Day at the zoo. My boys were not in the mood for pictures today...
About Me

- Jennifer Gammon
- I am so blessed to be doing what I love! I am a wife, a mother and aspiring photographer! I have always had a passion for photography ever since I was a little girl. I love capturing one little detail in life that will bring so much joy and emotion to each family. I work in the North Metro Atlanta area and Gainesville area specializing in maternity, newborn, children, couples and family photography. Please email me at if you are interested in setting up a session!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Fun day at Grammy and Poppy's house... again! We went to ikea today, not my favorite place. Then ended at the pool!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
My day started off nice when Charlie walked into my room and came over to the bed and said "hey pretty momma." I think he hears Chad say that a lot, but it sounds so sweet coming from a 4 year old!
Today is also my 8th Anniversary with my wonderful husband!! We have made so many great memories over the past eight years and have two beautiful children... I am so blessed!! He is so good to me and surprised me with the new lens I have been wanting!!! What an amazing guy I have... love you babe! We had plans to go to a restaurant on the square in downtown Gainesville, and we did, but we did not stay. I was not feeling well and the only thing that sounded good to me was... Chili's... my favorite! So for our anniversary dinner we ended up at Chili's for my usual... nachos, and then drive thru blizzards at DQ... we are high class! :) It was a great night! And to top it all off, my in-laws kept the kids over night!!!!
We also went down to the dock to try to get a picture of the two of us before it got too dark... was not too easy. On our way home we stopped by to see how the kids were for bedtime. Well, Blakie worked his Mimi and Papa!! :) Every night when I put him to bed, I rock him for a few minutes and then lay him in his crib. He now says to me as I am putting him down... "No mommy... no sir... that is not nice!" I just walk out and he settles very fast. Well, tonight his Mimi stayed in his room for an extra 30 minutes on the twin bed next to the crib. Every time she tried to leave he would say, "Hey Mimi, where you going?" She even rubbed his back! He knows who he has wrapped around his little finger! :)
Today is also my 8th Anniversary with my wonderful husband!! We have made so many great memories over the past eight years and have two beautiful children... I am so blessed!! He is so good to me and surprised me with the new lens I have been wanting!!! What an amazing guy I have... love you babe! We had plans to go to a restaurant on the square in downtown Gainesville, and we did, but we did not stay. I was not feeling well and the only thing that sounded good to me was... Chili's... my favorite! So for our anniversary dinner we ended up at Chili's for my usual... nachos, and then drive thru blizzards at DQ... we are high class! :) It was a great night! And to top it all off, my in-laws kept the kids over night!!!!
We also went down to the dock to try to get a picture of the two of us before it got too dark... was not too easy. On our way home we stopped by to see how the kids were for bedtime. Well, Blakie worked his Mimi and Papa!! :) Every night when I put him to bed, I rock him for a few minutes and then lay him in his crib. He now says to me as I am putting him down... "No mommy... no sir... that is not nice!" I just walk out and he settles very fast. Well, tonight his Mimi stayed in his room for an extra 30 minutes on the twin bed next to the crib. Every time she tried to leave he would say, "Hey Mimi, where you going?" She even rubbed his back! He knows who he has wrapped around his little finger! :)
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Happy Birthday to my amazing, awesome, cute, sweet, funny, smart, and caring husband! We love you! Today we started with breakfast on the dock, then lunch at Dockside, and then dinner on the dock... what a great day!!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Today we went to the spray grounds with my MOPS playgroup! I love the spray grounds and I love spending time with all of my wonderful mommy friends. The boys enjoyed it for the most part, but quickly wanted to eat lunch... at 10:45!
We also saw Cars 2 today!! It was so cute! It was Blake's first time going to the movies and he did awesome! My baby is growing up!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
It has been a horrible day! Charlie is really pushing my buttons this week and today seemed to be the worst. So, I am in need of a break and tonight is girls night out at the new Olive Garden... woohoo!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
My mom is home from her trip to Switzerland... and my boys were so excited to see her! She brought home little "stuff" from Europe for the boys... they love stuff! I think the favorite things are the animal hats. Blake likes to wear his backwards! But I think that is because he can't figure out how to put it on the right way. :)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I finally got back to the gym today!! It felt really good to get a little exercise. Then we headed to the pool with some friends... always a favorite. My boys took really good naps today and I made time to make dinner and have my in-laws over for a little Father's Day dinner. My boys also love to look for and try to catch lightning bugs! I loved doing that in the summer time too when I was little. They also love to follow their daddy everywhere. Here they are waiting while he checks on a potential yellow jacket nest!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day! We had a fun day out on the lake. I never got a picture with Chad and his boys, but I will soon. We love you, Daddy!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
We are almost done with swim lessons... woohoo!!! I think Charlie has learned a lot these past two weeks! They have been working on different strokes, he still needs lots of work on his back stroke :) At the end of each lesson this week, they have to jump off the diving board... Charlie's favorite!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Blake has swimmers ear, so that kinda puts a little damper on our week. I have been promising Charlie the pool every day and I could not take it from him again. So, Blake went to a moms morning out and Charlie and I headed to the pool with some friends. I think he really enjoyed the one on one time with me. Still have to work on the attitude, but all in all it was a nice time.
We ended our day with some popsicles on the driveway!
We ended our day with some popsicles on the driveway!
Monday, June 13, 2011
It is not normal for my boys to play quietly for even one minute. So I thought it was a good idea to document a very rare occurrence!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
I always love the weekends in the summer because we spend most of it on the water! This evening we went by boat to my favorite restaurant on the lake, Fish Tales. It is awesome because you sit outside with fans blowing and the kids playing in a very large sand pit. The boys had so much fun! We checked the weather before we left and it showed clear skies. Well, while we were waiting for our food it started raining... very hard. The wind started blowing and every one sitting outside had to get up and stand under cover. It was kinda fun, but cold too. After about 15 minutes it was beautiful again. We were just glad the kids enjoyed it too!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
I have been waiting for today! Chad's Aunt Elise is a very talented painter. She painted a picture of Charlie for his 2nd birthday and she has been working on one for Blake too. Today she came for a visit and brought the painting!!! I love it! The best part is that she painted it! It is so special to me and I can't wait to get a frame and put it on the wall next to Charlie's picture!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Sweet little "K" turns 1! ~ (Baby Photographer - Atlanta, GA)
I can't get enough of this adorable little girl! I am going to miss seeing her every 3 months now that she is ONE!!
Today was a movie day! I was so tired I just decide it was time for a movie. Charlie picked Aladdin! I made popcorn and tried to relax a little. Blake decided he wanted to lay down with me... so relaxing never happened. But I did get some good cuddle time in with my baby.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Charlie wants a new book for his Tag, but he never uses it. So, I told him he had to earn it and show me that he is trying to learn to read and then I will buy him a new book. So here he is hard at work :)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Happy Birthday Baby "B" - (Baby Photographer ~ Griffin, GA)
I love this sweet little girl!! She was so cute and happy today even when it was so hot outside! Happy Birthday baby girl!!
It was so HOT today at the Atlanta Zoo!!! I have not seen one of my best friends in over 8 months because we live so far apart. So we decided to meet in the middle. I loved catching up with her, but man it was hot! I also made some time to take pictures of her baby that just turned one in April!
Monday, June 6, 2011
It was a busy Monday that did not go as planned :( Started with swim lessons for Charlie and they put him in a group that was learning to kick and blow bubbles... he can swim across the pool already! Then over to a friends house for pool time, but that never happened because a repair man was 2 hours late to fix her washing machine. Lastly, I told the boys they would see Poppy in the evening while I did a photo shoot, and well, we rescheduled for Thursday, so that did not happen either. Needless to say, Charlie was not happy... at all! Blake did not care one way or another, so he had some time to play and color while Charlie was sulking in his room.
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