At 5:15 this morning, Charlie's 2nd tooth fell out! He was in bed with us and he woke me up suddenly by saying, "it's gone... my tooth came out!!!" We asked if he swallowed it and he said no, but could not find it at first. He ended up finding it by his knee. My little man is growing up too fast!
About Me

- Jennifer Gammon
- I am so blessed to be doing what I love! I am a wife, a mother and aspiring photographer! I have always had a passion for photography ever since I was a little girl. I love capturing one little detail in life that will bring so much joy and emotion to each family. I work in the North Metro Atlanta area and Gainesville area specializing in maternity, newborn, children, couples and family photography. Please email me at if you are interested in setting up a session!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Papa found a turtle!! The boys loved him! It was the first turtle I have ever seen that was not scared of anything. He never went back in his shell. He just kept kicking his legs every time the boys held him. Hopefully we will find him again... we wrote the boys names and year on his shell with a sharpie :)
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Charlie told me on the way to school this morning that they say the pledge every morning when school starts. He also mentioned that as soon as he could say it all by himself he could bring a flag home. So, we started practicing the whole way to school. I have to say that I am one proud momma today... he came home with a flag!! My big boy can say the Pledge of Allegiance all by himself!
And one just because I love my babies so much...
And one just because I love my babies so much...
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
We are having a great time outside with this beautiful weather. I also love the new swing... much less fighting now!
Monday, September 26, 2011
I forgot to take a picture today until just before bedtime. My babies are always so happy after a shower!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Blake got a big boy swing for his 2nd birthday... in February... and Chad put it up today!! He had lots of help!
And we ended our day with dinner out on the lake... not too many more days left this season to get out on the water :(
And we ended our day with dinner out on the lake... not too many more days left this season to get out on the water :(
Friday, September 23, 2011
I love this time of year! I have been looking forward to the fair every since last year when we were there. I love watching my boys having so much fun and smiling the whole time. Great Friday night!!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Charlie is sick today, so no school! Both boys wanted to go see Grammy again today after we left the doctor, so who am I to say no :) We did a little shopping at Costco and then some park time after nap.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I have been so lazy lately about taking pictures. I have not taken my camera out in a while now. I have been depending on my iphone. At least I like instagram!
Today was another lazy picture day. I forgot until I was about to go to bed, so I snapped a picture of what I have started working on... baby clothes! I know I have lots of time to do this, but it gets me excited to see all the sweet little outfits that my big boys used to wear.
Today was another lazy picture day. I forgot until I was about to go to bed, so I snapped a picture of what I have started working on... baby clothes! I know I have lots of time to do this, but it gets me excited to see all the sweet little outfits that my big boys used to wear.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Another day of organizing... today was the check book! I found an app for my ipad that I think might help my problem. It is amazing how long it takes to get reorganized when you just let things go for so long.
We did find some time for fun after nap today. The boys are enjoying playing outside now that we have cooler weather. I like it so much better than super hot!!
Here is a picture of Blake on his bike... do you think he is getting sick of me taking his picture :)
We did find some time for fun after nap today. The boys are enjoying playing outside now that we have cooler weather. I like it so much better than super hot!!
Here is a picture of Blake on his bike... do you think he is getting sick of me taking his picture :)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Today is organize the files day... fun times! I have been putting off everything because I have too much to do, so nothing gets done. After school, Charlie and I will have some time together while Blake is still with Grammy. They went to the zoo today and had a blast. Charlie and I went to a friends house after school for about an hour... Charlie wanted more time though. It is so nice to have some one on one time with my boys. They both are so much easier and fun to be with when they don't have any competition!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
After school, we headed for Norcross! I had a baby checkup at the doc and the boys had some time with Grammy. Blake was the lucky one and he got to stay with Grammy and Poppy over night. I think they are going to the zoo tomorrow... Blake loves the zoo! Charlie has school tomorrow, so he gets to have a daddy/mommy night. We have plans to test drive a new van... yes, a van... and have dinner at Zaxby's (Charlie's favorite) and ice cream!
Monday, September 12, 2011
We spent the day at my parents house again. Uncle Shark, my brother, left to go back to California today. :( So the boys wanted to spend one more day with him before he took off. We had a great day... but I forgot to take a picture today!!! I knew it would happen at least once :)
Saturday, September 10, 2011
I hate the day when we have to leave the beach :( It was such a great week with our family. Hilton Head is my favorite place to vacation!
Here is how Blake slept on the drive home :)
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Perfect day at the beach! We have had some windy weather the first half of the week, but today is awesome!
And we found time to do a quick photo shoot of Brad and Heather..
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